NEED HELP?.. Our ConnectLine is here for you

When people are in crisis they can be experiencing a range of emotions including fear, anger, confusion, and hysteria. Sometimes they know what the solution to their problem is and other times they feel lost beyond knowing that they need help. Loudoun Cares’ Information and Referral ConnectLine is a trusted and reliable source for residents seeking health and human services whether in crisis or looking to connect with these organizations.

Through a careful, but efficient and expedited process, Loudoun cares navigates the caller through a series of scenarios to identify any additional services they might be in need of, whether they realize it or not. Loudoun Cares’ Helpline serves as a gateway through which residents access links to services from all Loudoun agencies (nonprofit, government and faith entities). Our call specialists use a locally maintained database to give callers the most detailed and up-to-date resource information appropriate to their needs. This screening process enables our staff to efficiently connect the callers with the most suitable service provider or resource. This saves time and frustration for both the caller and the employees at local agencies as we reduce the time spent on unnecessary calls for everyone involved and thereby alleviate call frustration.

Our Helpline aids the local government in reducing aid because we can connect people with the nonprofit service they need. We help all of our residents – often when they fall on hard times, unexpectedly – to weather any challenge they may face. We work to ensure they know the rest of the community cares about them and is here to help.

Since 2004, the ConnectLine has been answering an average of 2300-2500 calls annually, including calls from the county’s most vulnerable residents. In 2018, Loudoun Cares served roughly 1,100 households and provided referrals to over 230 local providers programs that assisted with over 150 different types of needs.

Platinum/gold sponsors

Loudoun Cares wants to thank all our supporter for their dedication to our cause. With their help, we can continue to connect those who serve with those in need to build a stronger community.

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